Pet Emergency Preparedness

OK, I admit it, I took the Girl Scout Motto to “Be Prepared” to heart. So when I was living in San Francisco, much to my friends’ amusement, I had a complete Earthquake Preparedness Kit. Then the big 1989 Earthquake hit and no one ever teased me again.
Wherever you live, there is the risk of some kind of natural disaster or emergency where you might need to dig into your Emergency Kit for supplies. And when the unexpected happens without warning, you don’t have time to run around the house picking up the leash here and the crate there.
So, here’s some things to include in your Pet Emergency Preparedness Kit and to put someplace where you can get to it easily in an emergency.
Food/ treats – A zip lock bag with a week’s supply of food, cans of your regular food and a bag with a variety of treats. An emergency is not the time to try out new food, your pet will be upset enough and you don’t need an up set stomach on top of that. And there will be plenty of times you’ll want to give your pet a treat during an emergency. Or use it to get them to do what you want. If you have a Vacuum Sealer, vacuum seal the food and treats to keep them fresh longer. Make sure you replace the stock regularly with fresh food and treats.
Extra Water – When you put aside water for yourself, put extra for your dog(s), or pets. Fresh water is one of the most important things to keep dogs healthy and you’ll need it to clean out wounds or clean muddy paws.
Food and Water Bowls – Cheap plastic ones work well or Collapsible Bowls which are great if you have to move around.
Can Opener – if you feed your dog canned food, be sure to include a can opener in your kit.
Collar/ Lead/ Harness – I put an old one in the Kit. In an emergency, there is no time to run around looking for a favorite harness. Be sure to have a current tag on the collar or harness. Its easy for a scared pet to run away.
Sweater – if your pet gets cold in winter, include an old sweater or hoodie. You have no control over when the emergency happens so it might be cold out and the sweater will keep them warm.
Blanket – This works for creating a clean place for your pet to sleep, helps keep them warm and is good to wrap them up if they are injured.
Training Pads – even if your pet is fully house trained, these pads will supply a clean place for them to sit and have a waterproof backing if the ground is wet. These will come in handy if the ground is covered with debris.
Crate – In severe emergencies, you might have to evacuate or move to another location. A crate is a great way to keep your pet confined and safe during the move.
Carrier – If you often carry a small pet in a carrier, put an old one in the kit. If you have to move around, you and your pet may find it more familiar and comfortable to put them in the carrier. I prefer a Cross Body Carrier so the weight is distributed across my back and my arms are free.
insect Repellent Cloths – You can use regular insect repellent cloths or Dryer Fabric Softener Cloths.
Medicines/ Prescriptions – if your pet is on medication regularly or periodically, put a week’s supply in a watertight container and change it out regularly so its fresh.
Antibacterial Cleanser and Wash Cloth
Pick up bags
First Aid supplies – You can’t put a band-aid on a dog so even if you have a First Aid kit for the humans, be sure to add gauze pads, gauze wrap, scissors, along with Antiseptic ointment, tweezers, peroxide. There are plenty of Pet First Aid kits available if you don’t have one or don’t want to put it together.
Backpack – One of the easiest ways to contain all of this gear is in a backpack so you can grab and go. With the backpack on, your arms are free to deal with your pet.
Its difficult to think about earthquake, hurricanes, etc. Its far easier to think the unexpected will never happen and put off creating our Emergency Kit. But as my friends saw, having supplies keep you ready for any kind of situation. And my favorite Emergency Kit is the one I never have to use! Be Prepared!
Thank you for reading this post and I hope you found it helpful.
Patt and the team from Spoiled Dog Designs
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