Desert Plants to Avoid for Pet Safety - Pet Toxic Desert Plants

Desert Plants to Avoid for Pet Safety - Pet Toxic Desert Plants -

I just read a great article in the Desert Sun, about Pet Toxic Desert Plants  by Dr. Gail Cutler. Dr. Cutler just happens to be our “Family Doctor”. In this article she writes about desert plants that are common in Desert Landscaping  that can be toxic or poisonous to dogs and cats. Its so important that I thought I’d list the plants here and share below the link to the full article in you want to read more.

  1. Lily Family Plants – especially important for cats
  2. Sago Palm Trees – their seeds are very  poisonous
  3. Oleander
  4. Mexican or Red Bird of Paradise
  5. Lantana
  6. Aloe – this one surprised me.
  7. Hibiscus
  8. Citrus leaves, flowers or fruit

Here's a list of Common Desert Plants that my look poisonous but are not:

  1. Pyarcantha
  2. Bouganvilla
  3. Most Cacti -although the thorns can be painful
  4. Mesquite Tree Pods

To read more about the effects and dangers of these plants, read her full article at:

Thanks Dr. Cutler  and Thank you for reading this. I hope it helps us keep our fur-babies safe.



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