First Post

I am being dragged kicking and screaming to this blog. I’ve come to a quiet, private time in my life and don’t feel the need to be public. Yet, I have things to share that are important to Pet Parents, I receive lots of information from other sources that you might find useful, and I’m told it will be good for my website….hmmmmm. So here I am.

If you’ve been to, you know that I believe strongly in rescue efforts, in adopting – not shopping for pets, have a very close bond with my 4 Chihuahuas (all but the first are rescues) and love to take them everywhere.

Spoiled Dog Designs is now five years old. Our website was launched a year ago. We launched our Facebook page and joined Twitter right after that to reach all of you and share not only our products but cute things that came our way, and important information about pet parenting.

I’m sometimes a little frustrated sharing on Facebook and Twitter. If I have important information to share, depending the date or time, only a fraction of my fans see it. I won’t stop posting or Tweeting yet I hope the blog will be a place where I can share information and more of you will have access to it at any time you choose to check in. Plus I’ll be able to include more details than I can in a FB post or a Tweet.

My goal is to write three times a week. Now that I’ve written that for you to see, I’ve gone public and will feel internal pressure to stick to it. So, here goes, stay tuned…

Patt….And Angelo, Bella, Sophia and Bruno

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