10 Holiday Pet Safety Tips

10 Holiday Pet Safety Tips - SpoiledDogDesigns.com

With the holidays fast approaching, here’s 10 Holiday Pet Safety Tips to keep our pets safe and happy during this fast paced season and all year long.

  1. Chocolate – keep it out of your pets reach. Even a beautifully wrapped box under the tree has a tempting smell to your dog.
  2. Sweets and baked goods – many contain Xylitol, especially artificially sweetened ones, which has been linked to liver failure and death in dogs. Dogs have a big sweet tooth so keep them well out of reach.
  3. Turkey and Turkey Skin – Its seems nice to give your dog a sample of our special holiday meals, but even in small amounts can cause pancreatitis.
  4. Table Scraps – Table scraps, including gravy and meat fat, should be kept away from pets. Many foods that are healthy for people are poisonous to pets, including onions, raisins and grapes.
  5. Yeast Dough – Don’t walk away from that tempting dough when you’re backing. It can cause painful gas and potentially dangerous bloating in pets.
  6. Trash – Tie up the trash and take it outside so your pets can’t get into it. Throw away all carcasses and bones as well as anything used to wrap or tie the meat.
  7. Flowers and Plants – Holiday plants that can be dangerous to pets include mistletoe, amaryllis, holly, pine, cedar and even poinsettias. Keep them away from your pets.
  8. Candles – Never leave your pet alone in an area with a lit candle.
  9. Nervous pets – Many pets may become upset by the noise and excitement of holiday parties.  Some pets become anxious or shy around visitors while others become overly excited.  Pets that are nervous around houseguests should be kept away from the festivities in a safe room or in a crate with plenty of water, a blanket and a toy.
  10. Escape artists – Watch the exits carefully when guests are coming and going.  It’s easy for a pet to get out in all the commotion and become lost.  Be sure your dog’s chip information and ID Tag have up to date information.

If your pet does ingest something dangerous, quick action can save lives. Call your veterinarian or local veterinary emergency clinic immediately.  Always have the nearest emergency clinic phone number and address close at hand.  Animal Poison control is 888-426-4435. You can also check the Pet Poison Helpline,  855-764-7661, a charge may apply.

Keep these tips in mind and lets all have a wonderfully happy and furry Holiday Season…..and lets keep out pets safe all year long.

Happy Holidays from the Team at Spoiled Dog Designs



The post 10 Holiday Pet Safety Tips appeared first on Spoiled Dog Designs Blog.

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